The weather this past weekend was unusually mild... which I seem to be saying lately... "unusually mild" seems to be becoming more and more usual. However, being so mild, it made my porch not uncomfortably cold for photo-taking! I actually completely forgot about tights! Definitely preemptive as it's definitely still tights weather outside and will be for several more months, but posting some outfits without tights made for a nice little change.
dress, hat, purse: vintage
shoes: aldo (old)
belt: from another dress
petticoat: american apparel
While I enjoy pairing vintage items with new, it's pretty special when you're wearing almost an entirely vintage outfit. While I'm definitely mixing eras with the hat & dress, and it may not be what someone would've actually worn 60-70 years ago walking down the street, it still makes me wonder who did wear these items and what streets they walked down. Every pre-owned item has a story, and pieces of someone else's story. When I wear these items, and when I look around my house, or go antique shopping, I'll often look at an item, and wonder, who did you belong to? If only these things could talk...

I'm in love with that dress! Love the way you accessorized with brown too.